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The information on privacy presented on this page solely expresses those facts that apply for visiting the web pages presented here. For the privacy statements of your personal data sourced from a business relationship please contact Janich & Klass Computertechnik GmbH
Any visiting of this website will be logged. Recorded data within this log will include:
An anonymised IP address. The lower 8 bits of this address will be replaced by a random number. The real IP address will not be recorded. The anonymised IP address will be kept constant for all accesses of webpages within a short period of time. Browser information: Browser name and version, browser engines, accepted languages, etc. Visited pages. Time and date of visit. Link sources.
The recorded data will solely be used to discover any error while presenting our web pages. None of the recorded data will given to any other company or organisation. Our webspace provider (Hetzner GmbH) on explicit request by Janich & Klass Computertechnik GmbH may watch this recorded data to discover error conditions. There is no automatic processing of the data to create any user tracking or user profile.
Visits without log-in
Cookies will not be used. Neither will there be a cookie reference stored in any log file nor database. There will be no tracking by cookie by storing any such data on the visitor's computer. No further data will be recorded. No user private data will be recorded.
Visits with log-in
The log-in name will be recorded with the pages visited. Cookies will be used for the current session. These cookies solely serve for the current login and session. On disconnecting from server the browser is adviced to delete such cookies. No data is recorded on the server bound to such cookies.
Right on Information
You have got the right to get information on what of your private data is recorded or stored while visiting our webpages. You have got the right to request the deletion of such data, if no other legal right enforces the storage of such data.
Contact by Email
You may contact Janich & Klass Computertechnik GmbH by address info@janichklass.com
Cookies is data stored on the private computer of the visitor. This data will be sent back to the webserver with each request sent to the same webserver. IP address is an address that in most cases identifies the particular computer of the visitor. In some cases this is no unique address, because several computers may share the same IP address. Browser is a program running on the visitor's computer which is used to access webpages on a webserver. The data is retrieved from the webserver and most of it is displayed visually. Browser data is sent with each request send to the webserver that retrieves and attempts to display webpages on the visitor's private computer. Such data identifies the browser in use and it's capabilties, e.g. User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko Accept-Language: de-DE,de;q=0.9,ru;q=0.8,fr-FR;q=0.7,fr;q=0.6,nb;q=0.5,en-US;q=0.4,en;q=0.3,sv-SE;q=0.2,sv;q=0.1 Log-in For accessing webpages with log-in, the user must provide a username and a password to be allowed to access data. Link Source If a website is called from another page by accessing a link on that page, then the address of that source page is transferred to the webserver. The webserver logs the link source along with the address of the webpage that is requested.
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Janich & Klass Computertechnik GmbH · Zum Alten Zollhaus 24 · D-42281 Wuppertal